by Bezaire, Ledwitz & Associates, APC | Last updated Aug 29, 2023 | Probate
The gross value of the estate is the fair market value of the estate before the debts are paid. For example, a $200,00 home is left to a child by a parent in a will. As the estate goes through the probate process, there will be fees of approximately $8,000 in Statutory and Attorney Fees. These fees are due, even if there’s a mortgage against the home for $180,000, because the fee is based on the full fair market value of the estate before paying off any debts. In addition to court mandated fees, there are other expenses necessary to prepare everything for probate. These may include, but are not limited to: Bondsman fees Asset appraisal fees Court filing fees Publication fees Extraordinary fees The best and safest way to avoid probate is through estate planning and using a Revocable Living... by Bezaire, Ledwitz & Associates, APC | Last updated Feb 22, 2023 | Advanced Estate Planning, QPRT, Qualified Personal Residence Trusts, Taxes, Trusts
Clintons seek to avoid a tax they once supported Bill and Hillary are reportedly using tax advantaged strategies used by multimillionaires. Read More at Qualified Personal Residence Trusts – Bezaire, Ledwitz & Associates, APC Qualified Personal Residence Trusts, or QPRTs (pronounced “cue-pert”), are Advanced Estate Planning instruments that help clients transfer their principal residence at a lower Estate/Gift Tax value. Clients benefit from a QPRT’s by transferring their principal residence into an Irrevocable Trust (meaning that the trust cannot be amended, modified, or revoked once it has been created and funded), and retaining a right to live in that residence for a period of years. The named beneficiaries of the trust will receive the residence from the trust when the term ends, should the Grantor survive until that time. Read More at Bezaire, Ledwitz & Associates, APC Video – Qualified Personal Residence Trusts, Bezaire, Ledwitz & Associates, APC [wp_lightbox_ultimate_youtube_video_embed videoid=”16BkGj4A2ls” playlist=”” width=”853″ height=”480″ hd=”1″ autoplay=”1″ display_control=”1″ fullscreen=”1″ autohide=”2″ theme=”dark” show_suggested_video=”0″ use_https=”” enable_privacy=”” show_logo=”1″ showinfo=”1″ auto_popup=”” direct_embed=”” anchor_type=”image” text=”” source=””] Qualified Personal Residence Trust Viewpoints on Financial Planning A qualified personal residence trust is ideal for anyone who has a substantial estate and is expected to face future transfer taxes. One of the best tools to manage future transfer tax liability for wealthy families is a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT). Read More at The ABCs of QPRTs A popular estate planning technique in today’s growing real estate market is to transfer a residence to a qualified personal residence trust (QPRT) to reduce the size of the estate. This article provides a case study on the mechanics...