Frequently, disputes over Wills and Trusts occur between family members who disagree over the way the Estate Plan is being implemented, interpreted, or administered.
The disagreement has progressed past the point of simply talking it out, but the parties (or maybe even the court) doesn’t feel that taking the matter to trial is in the best interest of the parties.
Attorneys work with an impartial third party to achieve an acceptable resolution to the issue without proceeding to a formal trial.
This is where Mediation, sometimes referred to as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), can help. Attorneys work with an impartial third party to achieve an acceptable resolution to the issue without proceeding to a formal trial. An experienced attorney knows how to balance the demands of the client with the interests of fairness and likelihood of success.
Our attorneys at Bezaire, Ledwitz & Associates are experts in the area of Mediation, understanding how to get what our clients want while avoiding adversarial court proceedings and the costs associated with a full-blown trial. We have a proven track record of positive outcomes for our clients in a wide range of mediation cases.
Let us help you get the result that you deserve: contact us today to get a free consultation about your potential Mediation case.