
Included with our Estate Planning services, we offer complimentary DocuBank services, providing you with a Medical Directive Emergency Card and their digital document storage service for one (1) year.

This card allows medical professionals to have immediate access to your Advance Health Care Directive should they ever need it. This card is effective and accessible world-wide, 24/7. Our Firm’s contact information is stored on the card should anyone ever need to contact us.

Instant Access to Vital Documents

The DocuBank Emergency Card helps to ensure that your medical wishes are known and respected when it counts.  DocuBank SAFE allows you to upload and store those documents that you want quick, convenient, access to online.

Keeping documents within reach. Around the clock, around the world.

The Emergency Card

Access is key in an emergency situation.  When you store your healthcare directives (living will, health care power of attorney) with DocuBank, you receive a personalized DocuBank Emergency Card that makes all of your emergency information and critical healthcare documents available in two convenient ways:

  1. A Call: By placing a toll free call to 1–800–DOCUBANK hospitals can have your emergency information and advance directives immediately faxed to them
  2. A Click: Simply by clicking the Hospital Button, or using the pop up box on the DocuBank home page, hospital staff can view and print documents immediately

Medical Alerts

The DocuBank card lists important medical conditions and allergy information so that it is immediately available at the hospital. The name and contact information of one emergency contact also appears on the face of the card. A complete list of your current medications can also be stored.

DocuBank Member Introduction

DocuBank introduces its services and benefits in this video.

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